November 2, 2010

CPMCF Info - Return on Investment Through Rare Metals and Financial Sense

Coastal Pacific Mining is currently in complete or partial control of two separate mining ventures: one in Ontario, Canada and the Santa Rita project located in Peru. On November 2nd, Venture Research LLC issued a report directly focused on CPMCF and their suspected stock value. The report indicates that CPMCF will very shortly be ranged between $0.85 and $1.35 in stock value. If you aren't too confident in your stock trading abilities just yet, take a look at a few free Basic Investment Articles

The report issued by Venture Research is a completely unbiased report and rated their Ontario mining venture at a zero dollar value. Although the Ontario location is not actively generating any precious metals, deposits of gold and possibly other resources are believed to be located on this property. With the possibility of striking gold in Canada, and the positive income already being provided by the Santa Rita project in Peru - this stock is a win/win situation.

Mining Economics and Strategy

CPMCF closed out Monday at 51 cents and opened the next morning at 64 cents. The stock steadily dropped throughout the day as everyone cashed out with thousands of dollars. This is to be expected from a stock which was valued at all of 3 cents a little over a week ago. There are tons of people watching this stock that never got a chance to purchase it at such a low level - as soon as the stock drops a little lower I am almost certain it will shoot right up again. CPMCF has potential to shatter the dollar mark by as early as tomorrow with its current business standings, potential investors should act ASAP.

Considering the possibility of striking gold in Canada, and the already apparent income provided by the Santa Rita location in Peru, this stock has no limit. Even for a small-time investor or someone who does not seriously commit towards the stock market, an investment of as small as $20 can result in a serious financial gain with patience and timing.

 Learn More About Peru

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