November 14, 2010

Becoming a Journalist Over the Internet - Turning Writing Ability into a Financial Engine

Everyone needs more money. The majority of young people today already have at least a decent knowledge of computers and the internet, along with mediocre typing skills. It doesn't matter if you want to make an extra twenty dollars for the weekend or finance the rest of your life through a keyboard - making money writing article assignments online is more than easy.

Consider the amount of time you spend on a daily basis at your computer, then consider the amount of that time you would be willing to sacrifice towards earning a decent profit. Once you've figured out both of these things, you'll know just about how much time you can spend every day making money writing online or even in an office doing little more than simply typing.

Making serious amounts of money using your writing skills and knowledge of the internet is entirely possible if you already consider yourself to be skilled in any form of writing (fictional, informative, or whatever it may be). Vague Google searches about making money online or other similar terminology will usually bring up nothing but junk or spam websites - a good place to begin is a site provided by, MTurk

 Mechanical Turk (Http://
Mturk (short for Mechanical Turk) is a website sponsored by Amazon which provides registrants with the ability to either submit tasks to be completed for an allotted amount of money as a publisher, or the option to search for current tasks and complete them for direct payment of assignments to any debit card or bank account as a writer or "worker". This website can be a great way to make money writing online, and the registration to Mechanical Turk is simple to complete and entirely free. This site is optimal for people who are looking for paid assignments along the lines of data input or correction but can also be used to find a large amount of writing assignments for quick pay. If your looking for simple assignments that can be completed with little concentration, then Mturk is probably the best site for you.

The Content Authority
For people that are more confident in their writing abilities, The Content Authority is a great site that provides constant writing opportunities. If you are serious about either becoming an online journalist or a successful content writer, being accepted to the TCA team is definitely one foot in the door. This site requires the submission of a resume and writing samples to be checked for approval before any assignments become available. Although a resume and work samples are required, this site is in no way discriminate to mediocre writers and the staff is willing to work with people of almost any writing level. The site functions on a tier system between 1 and 4, providing more experienced writers or journalists with higher pay per word for the more difficult assignments. Another great feature on is the ability to complete special re-write assignments which gives you a completed article and asks that you to entirely rewrite it so that it is original. The pay for these articles are less, but the little amount of time and research needed make these assignments a great way to earn money online.

An Author's Career - Endless Expression

The Elements of Journalism: What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect, Completely Updated and RevisedI personally spend a large amount of every day of my life on the internet doing assignments or other freelance writing work geared towards financial gain for the short and long term. As a soon to be father and currently unemployed individual, the concept of making money over the internet is far from a joke to me and my family. If you feel that a regular job at any retail or food service store might not be for you, or you consider your writing or other skills to be at a level warranting a better form of work, seeking results over the internet or through your typing skills might be the perfect choice for you.

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