December 31, 2010

Different Types of Investments

We will all make some sort of financial investment throughout our lives. Some people spend hours each day looking for a profitable stock or bond to invest in, others constantly set money aside into a savings account or mutual fund. Either way, taking the capital money that you have available to you now and investing it for your own future benefit is one of the only ways to ever truly reach a sound level of financial freedom.

R O I - Creating An Investment Allowance

Some people think of an investment and picture wealthy stock brokers spending their every waking hour towards researching and deciding upon their investments. Although many people do dedicate their entire lives towards making profit through capital investment, this financial choice can be used to the advantage of anybody. Take a look at all of your projected incomes and expenditures in the near future. Whatever the remainder might be each month, this money can potentially all be set aside and used as capital.

As an initial action, leftover income can be deposited into a savings account that will yield some residual profit through interest rates while ensuring the safety of your finances. Avoid placing your money into any account that will prevent you from withdrawing it for an extended period of time - if a more promising opportunity were to become available, you don't want all of your finances to be tied up in a savings account with time restrictions or penalties for withdrawing your money before the allotted time period.

Once you have a sound place for all of your savings and capital money to steadily grow, start seeking out investments that yield a higher potential return. Begin to sanction certain amounts within your savings for certain causes such as emergency money or the college fund for your child. Doing this will help you have a better grasp on your exact financial standings while preventing any over spending. Be aware that there is a virtually endless amount of different types of investments available to any one person, and that a good amount of research is always recommended before making any high to medium-risk investments.

Generating Revenue Through Corporate Ownership

Stock Trading
The stock market is a somewhat elusive field to invest your money in even though it is probably the most well known. Essentially, there are call options and put options. Money is placed into a specific stock which represents any business or organization and will then increase or decrease depending on the level of that particular stock. The price of any given stock is determined by the buying or selling of that stock by other investors - if large amounts of a certain stock is bought, the overall value of the stock will raise and vice-versa. 

A common misinterpretation of the stock market is the thought that your money is directly related towards the performance of the business that that particular stock ticker represents. Investors do base their choices upon the performance of the company itself, so good news for the business will usually be good news for the value of it's stock as well. However, stock value is determined by the buying and selling of the stock itself, not the actual performance of the business -a virtually unknown and unadvertised business will likely receive little attention in the stock market regardless of it's progress financially or otherwise.

-- Work In Progress --

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