December 4, 2010

Finding Symbolism in Literature - The Need to Write Creatively

Writing can be approached in an endless amount of ways. Some people spend little more than a few minutes each day simply jotting down whatever might have came to their mind earlier. Others take months out of their years to entirely immerse themselves in their current fantasy or non-fiction literature projects, reemerging with an original piece of work to add to their repertoire. When it comes to preference, there is always a comfortable medium - some people are unable to contain themselves to one subject and instead write larger amounts of smaller articles or even reviews. With the current rise of the internet journalist, any type of author can find a place to publish his or her original work. Whether your a Hollywood reporter, aspiring journalist, author of Nobel prize Literature, or still unsure of your writing career objectives, the internet is almost always the best place to start looking.

The Shining (Two-Disc Special Edition)When most people think of writing a book, they might think of the main character in Stephen King's thriller, The Shining - locked away and slowly pushing himself towards insanity while trying to finish his original piece of literature. Although writing is far from easy, this is nowhere near the life of a common author or journalist. It's true that peace and quiet can help you to focus on your work, but a good author will need to be constantly inspired, often forced to go out looking for interaction rather than collecting dust in the attic with only their typewriter to soothe them. As long as you can pass a basic typing test, a brief paper or short story can be easily planned and completed in as little as a couple of weeks or even days. Take time to consider your strong points in writing to decide exactly what type of author you want to become.

Choosing to become the owner or content provider for a blog can be seen as either a side project between jobs or a serious source of income for any sort of writer. If you have a decent amount of creative writing ideas or a specific niche topic you find yourself compelled to learn and write about, creating a blog can almost never hurt. The most desirable feature of becoming a published author through a blog is that there is virtually no end to the amount of topics or styles of writing you can choose to encompass. Some people fill their blogs with persuasive or informative articles in an attempt to provide insight or knowledge into any specific topic or group of topics to the would-be consumer. Other people might engage solely in personal experience writing and focus their page mainly towards connecting with like-minded individuals across the world. Online literature of any form is easily checked, reviewed, submitted, and read - this fact is perhaps the most alluring aspect of starting up a blog or choosing to submit any sort of article over the web.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)Tons of people out there have heard of the Harry Potter book and movie series. Nearly just as many people eventually heard the story behind the now world-renowned author of this extremely popular story. In a nut shell, this author finished her first book on an old-fashioned typewriter primarily out of a small coffee shop in London. She was able to snag an agent and submitted the book to numerous publishers, all of which declined to publish the book.

The fact that she is now world famous and very likely in possession of a huge sum of money goes to show that getting a book published the old fashioned way can still pay off if you really have good, original content. However, the difficulties and hardships she was forced to go through only confirms the growing idea that the internet is quickly replacing the need for physical copies of literature. People look towards the internet for entertainment, news, even novels and short stories. With e-books constantly being released and the growing popularity of products like the Kindle, almost anything can now be found with a couple clicks of the mouse.

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Some people really have a lot of trouble grasping the idea of internet marketing or are simply unable to devote enough time or money towards trying to market their blog towards a specific market or group of readers. Maybe you simply just would rather spend your time writing a much larger piece of literature, informative or otherwise. E-books are extremely easy to put into action and many people in this day and age might find themselves unexpectedly successful after a year or two of having their E-book in circulation.

Take a minute to think about every time you referred to a blog or other page on the web to find out about something or learn more before making a final decision. Regardless if your searching through a syndicated news site or simply looking for someone that has something to say about the air conditioner your thinking about buying, virtually every piece of content you find was written by somebody. If your already confident in your writing abilities but don't feel comfortable writing a book just yet, sending resumes along with writing samples to larger businesses querying about job openings just might pan out. The lifestyle of a journalist or reporter has changed much since 1950, and often times you might be able to find a job working for a corporation in another city, state, or even country from right in the comfort of your own house.

We all have to start somewhere, no matter what we do. Work towards getting your name out there in a way that can efficiently show the reader your own, unique style - whatever way you feel that might be for you. Don't let rejection slow you down - the world of literature is another form of art and everyone will have a different opinion.

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