December 17, 2010

Knowing Your Writing Career Objectives

The Complete Idiot's Guide to JournalismAchieving success through writing as a journalist, published author, or even a self-employed blogger can seem really difficult if your unsure of exactly which way you plan to be going with your career. Juggling three or more literature projects of any form is usually always a bad idea - the confusion caused by switching back and forth between assignments can sometimes prove detrimental to the finished products. The first thing any aspiring journalist or author should do is decide exactly what their writing career objectives are along with the steps they can take towards that goal.

Most people begin their writing career with either a little bit of knowledge in a particular field, a good idea or concept for an original story or informational idea, or simply an innate passion or skill for any form of literature. While all these different paths can eventually lead to success of some volume, the way every individual chooses to go about pursuing their goals in terms of their focus and time management will play a huge role in the outcome of their efforts.

The most general path available to most people interested in any career involving writing would be to dabble in all sorts of literature. Learning about different genres of writing in any sort of seminar or class is far different from actually pursuing that career yourself. If you are truly serious about using your writing ability as your main tool towards success, the only way to really know which direction is the best direction for you is to get out there and experiment. Becoming a journalist at a local newspaper might be an amazing career to pursue in certain cities, while in others it might be rather dull or plain with little opportunity for growth. Keep in mind that your current location or situation can change while your given skills or passions usually can not.

Make Money Writing Online

Careers for Writers & Others Who Have a Way with Words

Making The Decision
Simply deciding that you are more experienced in a certain aspect if writing is not enough. Although any form of literature is something that should be taken entirely personal and passionately, current circumstances must always be taken into consideration and decisions are usually best made based on your current standings. If you don't have a financial backing that allows you to either express your creative writing ideas or pursue your career as an even more successful journalist, you still have a long way to go.
  1. Keep your options open - the best aspect of most writing careers is the fact that hardly any job or employer will ever try to 'hold you down.' When you really examine the art of writing as a financial engine, you will realize that practically all writing work is freelance writing work. If you stumble upon any sort of employer that is really preventing you from exploring other options, consider seeking elsewhere.
  2. Become your own toughest critic - Until you are already somewhat established in the particular writing community you are involved in, an honest critique or conversation involving constructive criticism towards your work will be few and far in between. Unless you are able to judge your own work and take action towards improving your weak spots or problem areas, it will be extremely difficult for you to truly progress.
  3. Never waste your time - If you are a skilled writer, the opportunities available through the internet and other resources to make a quick buck are almost endless. If you are going through any sort of financial instability, these assignments might appear as a godsend. However, if you are already managing financially through other means and really feel that your individuality combined with your writing expertise could result in success through an amazing short story or novel, you will likely be better off saving all of your creative juices to spend towards your original project.
  4. Always focus - Anybody interested in receiving a serious salary through their literary works of any form must always maintain focus. Dabbling in a number of different subjects or assignments all at once can eventually lead to disarray. Without a clear goal or objective, it can become difficult to work through the hard times - avoid spreading yourself or your writing abilities too thin.
Additional Reading - Becoming a Journalist Over The Internet: Turning Writing Ability into a Financial Engine
     Every individual will have their own troubles when trying to achieve any level of stature in the world of the written word. Whether your looking to get your foot in the door at a local newspaper by applying for a position as a copyedit, or trying to get your freelance writing career started through ghost writing or publishing original content on your own domain, each step you take will only bring you closer to realizing your goals as a successful writer of any sort.

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