December 10, 2010

Marketing Any Product Through Basic Internet Marketing Information

We all know that the internet is now the largest source of information. If you need to get your product, website, informative articles, or anything else into public circulation, ignoring the use of internet marketing techniques or website promotion can really be detrimental to your success. Although I may only be able to speak for myself, almost all of my research done before any purchase or investment is usually done solely through the use of the internet - if your product or service is simply not mentioned whatsoever across the web, the amount of business you receive on a day-to-day basis can be negatively altered in a huge way.

Having an official website for your products or ideas to be displayed and promoted to the world is a good start, but with the hundreds of millions of domains in existence, any website will ultimately begin to collect virtual dust if it is not promoted and maintained the right way. The only way an unknown website is ever found by a potential consumer or fan is through either a search engine, link, or some other form of compiled results. Unless you can successfully have your site appear easily to the right crowd of people through the methods that are used, your product or idea might never even get it's feet off the ground.

Marketing Objectives
So, if we know that the internet is probably the best place to begin our advertising and promotion, and we know that people use search engines and other similar services if they are interested in finding any new product or source of information, all that's left would be to figure out how to make our web page or web pages appear on these search engines. This is much easier said than done, but still entirely possible. The first thing your going to want to do is make a list of exactly what you plan to be doing. Is there a certain product or invention you plan to promote through internet marketing? Do you feel as if your information or expertise in a certain field is pertinent enough that your ideas or opinions might be very helpful to people? 

Whether you know exactly what your goals are already, or simply dipping your feet into the idea of creating residual income through the web, it should really be understood that the online marketing fundamentals discussed in this and many of my other articles can be applied practically anywhere. You don't need to have any actual product that you are selling to effectively create an income through solid online marketing.

Marketing Fundamentals
When attempting to begin a domain entirely from scratch without any special authority or connections in your particular field, the first thing you must understand is that it will take time and effort for any search engine to recognize your site as a valid and correct link to display in response to the proper search queries. Corporations like Google and Yahoo use extremely complex programs to assess the validity and content/subject matter of every single website in existence. The main aspects that are included into the calculations done by Google and other search engines are keywords and links
If you create an informational website about cooking and were able to get a lot of highly-ranked websites that also discuss cooking to link to your site, search engines will assume that your site must have value and will begin to display it for searches related to cooking. The keywords actively used throughout your website also play a huge role in how your site is ranked and placed on search engines and other forms of website archiving. Having a blog attached to your site is often times the only efficient way to maintain a healthy flow of keywords throughout your domain. 

  • Learning how to search for and decide which keywords will bring about the highest amount of visitors to your page is half the battle. Take time to learn more about the Google Adwords keywords tool and how it can help you to more effectively market your domain.
  • Begin making a list or spreadsheet of all the different keywords that relate to the subjects you plan to cover. Google sees an ideal site as a website that not only contains specific keywords and search phrases, but also a large amount of keywords or phrases that closely relate to the search that was performed.
  • Try to avoid entering yourself into domain ranking battles that you can't win. If a quick search of the key terms you plan on using to promote your site brings up nothing but extremely strong websites that you have no chance of competing with, try using something more specific or maybe even different wording of the same phrase. Use an SEO plugin to easily determine the page ranking of the websites that appear in Google searches along with their keyword usage and other helpful factors that you can use to determine your chances of taking their spot on the search.
  • You can't expect for anyone to link to you on their own, especially not any domain with authority and page rank. Reach out to like-minded people who own websites similar to yours. If your just starting out, try to find people that are mostly on your level - an extremely popular site might not benefit at all from exchanging links with you until you yourself have a higher PR (page rank)
  • Anchor text is the display text that is shown for any link. You want to ideally create links that use keywords that relate to your site as anchor text for the link. If your website focused on cooking, the ideal link for you would be positioned in another domain with similar content using the anchor text of something like "Cooking Information" or any other keyword or phrase you are trying to rank for on the search engines.
  • Use content database services that allow linking such as E-zine Articles or the PostRunner program provided by The Keyword Academy to build guaranteed, sturdy links for your pages. These types of services usually involve writing an original 300-400 word article on a subject of your choosing to be posted on their website alongside links back to your domain. Choose a channel that is related to your website subject to post your article in and write a good article to ensure that you are accepted.
  •  Creating links from one page of your site to another article or section that you have featured on your site is also a great way to build your ranking in Google or Yahoo's eyes. Continue to use keyword anchor text for your interlinking to further improve the effectiveness of this method.

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