January 6, 2011

Choosing the Right Visuals For Your Presentation

Presenting any concept, idea, product, or proposition is a task that requires tedious planning, among many other things. A board room or any other meeting room that you use could be considered the stage, and any graphs, charts, or other visual guidance used in your presentation could be considered the props. Deciding on exactly what forms of visual aids or enhancements would be best suited for your original idea will make a huge difference in how your audience perceives such ideas.

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Deciding on the Ideal Visual Aids

The first step is usually to decide exactly what you are trying to convince people of. Are the financial possibilities the main incentive? Does your business plan take advantage of a specific market that isn't currently being utilized? All of the main points that need to be addressed should first be noted and then planned for. If you believe that most of your presentation will be spent explaining to people the possible returns on investments and other financial aspects, be prepared with visual aids to help explain both profits and expenditures, thus creating a stronger understanding and flow of your presentation - any representation of numbers will be much easier understood through the use of colorful graphs and charts.

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 Basic Presentation Ideas

The most commonly used form of visuals in any presentation are usually still images provided through slides inserted into a projector, or pictures and graphs on a large display board. Depending on the size of your audience, a set of pages on a large display board will usually be the perfect way to display all your ideas and different aspects of your business proposition efficiently and fluently.

Start by making a basic outline of all the topics you plan to cover while leaving some space for any questions or concerns that might be expressed as you progress. Go through everything you plan to discuss and decide which key points would be best explained with the help of any sort of visual. Make note of these points and then decide what you will display as you explain these certain core elements. Take each visual very seriously - a poorly drawn or cheaply made graph or chart will reflect upon you personally and might have a negative effect on your potential investors or business associates. If you can afford to have your presentation visuals professionally made and printed, it will almost always be worth it to spend the extra amount.

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Additional Creative Presentation Ideas

The larger potential your idea has, the larger the presentation should be. If you have complete confidence in the profitable aspects of your plan, don't be afraid to go a little overboard with any visual aids or additions you decide to include, but avoid allowing your presentation to step too far away from a serious or professional level. 
  • Graphic Animation: Hiring an expert in graphic animation to create a video or representation of your plan in action is a great choice for a big presentation. Moving charts matched in time with explanatory audio or even a three-dimensional model of your product can be displayed on a screen of any size through computer design and graphic animation.
  • Three-Dimensional Models: Placing a physical model that represents your concept in some way on a display table or other location will really add some creativity to your presentation. The opportunity involved with your original idea should be enough in itself, but wowing your audience with ingenuity will always prove helpful.
  • Audio/Video Recordings: Using an audio or video recording of yourself or someone else as an introduction, middle point or conclusion to your presentation can often times add a touch of professionalism. As with all other visuals, the quality of the content will directly affect how you are viewed.
  • Pamphlets or other hand-outs: Providing your potential investors or business colleagues with pamphlets or reference guides to use throughout your showing will make the viewer feel more involved in the idea. Consider adding charts and pictures to any hand-outs to make them look more interesting.
The options available in terms of different visual aids for any presentation are almost endless. Avoid confining yourself to certain guidelines - a presentation unlike any other will undoubtedly catch the attention of all who witness it.

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