The speed at which you are able to complete an article of any sort is extremely important for any online writer. Whether you own and actively update a website of your own, or simply earn some or all of your money through online content writing, being able to increase the amount of work that you are able to complete in a short amount of time can greatly improve your situation as a whole. Depending on exactly what you plan to be writing, you might have to develop and adopt different strategies to maximize your workflow. Still, regardless of what particular field you write in there will always be various research and writing techniques that can be used to improve your overall speed and accuracy of work.
It doesn't matter if you are writing articles to help build links to your own domain or completing a series of similar articles as a paying assignment: executing a strategy towards every article you write will eliminate all of the 'stand-still' or thought time and allow you to dish out a huge amount of work in just an hour or two.
Multiple Articles On The Same Or Similar Topic
It doesn't matter if you are writing articles to help build links to your own domain or completing a series of similar articles as a paying assignment: executing a strategy towards every article you write will eliminate all of the 'stand-still' or thought time and allow you to dish out a huge amount of work in just an hour or two.- If you already have your own written content on the subject you need to write about, you can use that as an outline for the articles you will be writing. Remember that you are essentially taking a list of facts and turning it into a creative article, so as long as all of the important points or facts are present in the article you have, this can become the only resource that you will need.
- If you have an online article writing job you will likely come across a large portion of topics that you have no prior knowledge or past experience in. Instead of researching topics from the ground up through sites like Wikipedia, look for shorter, easier to digest articles that have already been written on any topic and simply pick all the important pieces of information out of them to be rewritten in your own words.
The easiest way to find articles on any given topic is to perform a simple Google search with parameters to only search in particular article directories like Ezinearticles or another similar site. By simply typing the following preset into any search engine it will automatically bring you to a long list of similar articles on the exact topic that you need to write about:
Copy the simple preset below or replace with your preferred article directory or informative domain. Don't forget to remove the parenthesis surrounding your search | (insert your article topic here) |
- Although the method of rewriting existing articles of similar length is very effective for most writers, some individuals might prefer to arrange a quick sheet that briefly lists all of the important points they need to cover. This can save you the hassle of switching back and forth between various web pages and writing programs, instead allowing you to simply look to the side of your screen every now and then to remind yourself of the key points. The time that it takes to prepare such a fact sheet will only be worth it if you have to write many articles on the same subject, so use the fact sheet technique sparingly.
Writing Quality Content Quickly
Rewriting techniques and other forms of quick article writing are very effective, but this method will not necessarily produce the highest quality of content possible. If you are an online freelance writer that does higher end work, or simply want to write extremely useful and valuable content for your own website, there are still a few ways to increase your overall writing speed and improve the overall quality of your work.
- Although proofreading might sound like a great way to waste some time, going over your finished product at least once or twice can ultimately save you a lot of headache and time in the near future. Small grammatical or punctuational errors are common no matter who you are, so make sure to fix up any small mistakes before submitting or publishing any post. This way you won't have to go back over it again in the future.
- Compiling your research facts into a single paper or spreadsheet can still prove extremely useful when writing your unique, quality content. The various facts listed one after another can help you to make references between similarities or cover multiple topics in a single paragraph easily and effectively.
- If you really want to make sure that the written content you produce is the best that it can possibly be, make sure you refer to multiple sources online or off before writing your unique piece. Search for differences or small facts that might have been left out of the other sources entirely to make sure that you write the most complete and correct guide to your particular subject possible.
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